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The Bursary team is confident that they will select the cream of the crop, noting that approximately 70% of the applicants already meet the minimum requirements – that of 60% in Mathamtics and Science.

The Department has finalized the process of capturing the applicants onto the Bursary system. Currently, the Bursary team is liaising with applicants who have outstanding information that is required for the entire process to be conducted properly.

Once all of this leg-work has been completed, the Department will commence with the weighing process, where they consider all the provided information for the purposes of determining which of the new applicants will receive a bursary for 2011.

The weighing process is informed by:
•Minimum requirements of 60% in Science and Mathamatics
•The applicants affordability

•Age bracket of between 16 and 35 years

•SA Citizenship

•Scarce and critical skills urgently needed by the construction industry

The Department anticipates informing the successful applicants by next year February/March at the latest.
CETA’s investment in the youth is informed by the fact that young people are integral to the future of the construction sector, and indeed the country. The organisation has therefore strategically positioned itself to play a role in ensuring that the youth of South Africa realise the personal value and the national imperative of entering the construction sector.

CETA has also signed an MOU with the National Youth Development Agency to fund skills development programmes to a tune of 2.1 Million. Details
